Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Action Medical Research

Charities are frequently not far from the heart. Ask anyone, and they'll tell you their charity of choice without a hesitation.

Be it through direct debit, or simply a coin in a drop box, we all support our charity in our own way, obviously, the more given, the better, but whatever can be given means so much too.

I had, and still do have causes that I choose to support, and this one has come to the fore for our family.

Action Medical Research.

This is a charity which is raising funds to help research in various areas of medical research. The results are outstanding so far, and it really is a charity close to my heart.

Although, I have just come across Action Medical Research, because my three little rascals are being investigated for a rare genetic condition, the charity itself has been going since 1952, and it really needs to be promoted more in the UK.

Please have a look at the link above, and if you have any children with disabilities, check the research, there may be information for you.

And please, do pass the word on.

I will be posting more about Action Medical Research, so, come on, spread the word......

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