Monday, 19 August 2013

School Holiday Blues...You Know What I Mean?

It's that time of know, when mums and dads across the country are singing that song

"It's the final countdown! Da da da daaaaa da da da da daaaaa"

And yes, I am also singing it, but with a huge dread, and with a more negative meaning!

I have had lots of mornings of peace, and happiness. Of no stress and no hurries. Of a 'tomorrow will do' attitude.

Then WHAM before you know it, it's that time again....

"Is is school tomorrow mammy?"
"No! Say no!"

Now, before i go any further, I know that first born rascal is VERY happy in school. It is the most fabulous school we have ever come across and we are more than content that when said rascal is in school fun and games are had. I have seen it with my own eyes.

It's the separation thing. It's awful.

It's the getting rascal up in the morning, uniform on...fighting my way through it.

It's the breakfast in the same order at the same temperature at the same seat...followed by the toast, which has to be timed for when the taxi pulls up.

It's the getting shoes on at the correct point, sitting in the correct chair, and the coat fastened up, even if its sweltering. It just has to be fastened.

Then the wrestling of the child into the taxi, and finally topped off with the tears. Those huge, heart wrenching, uncontrollable sobs, with the huge fat hot tears hurtling all over.

It's hard going.

I just love the holidays. There's none of that. It's great.

"Is it school today mammy?"

Big smile.

However, having said that, once all are delivered to various ports of call...I can't complain about the peace and quiet!

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