Sunday, 4 August 2013

Why I Like My Blog Background...

My blog background, you will see is a plane, soaring over the clouds.

I like it, alot.

Mainly because it reminds me of holidays, and getting away from it all, but on the other side, it reminds me of teaching our first born, (and attempting to teach our second born) makaton.

The sign for holiday is placing your pointing finger and middle finger to the left or right of your brow and curving it away in a sort of strange salute. This was described to us, to help us remember, as letting your thoughts fly away...which is a holiday.

Makaton is so sensible!

I have often thought that ASD is a little like the mind taking a long holiday.

Sometimes my little people can be very much with us, in the present, then they go, on the holiday that seems so easy for them to go on.

If only we could do that for real's free, saves your sanity, and you can stay as long as you wish. I would miss the pool though, and the lovely evening meals.

So, I thought that the plane in the clouds was quite apt for me, and my little people...hope you don't mind it!

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