Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Thank Goodness For Bubbles!

Bubbles are my new best friend. I have to keep them in every room in the house.


Because they are a fantastic distraction to children who are slowly becoming over stimulated. My rascals can become out of hand if left in the incapable hands of over stimulation, as can the healthiest child, with no difficulties, but throw in the heady mix of ASD and you could be on the Big Dipper about to plunge to the depths of despair!

This is where my pal, bubbles comes in!

When you see the mood change from happy little people to happy little people on the edge (rather than Shrek's donkey on the edge), just blow some bubbles into their line of vision, and just watch!

It's quite amazing. The flapping will slow, the eyes focus on the translucent air pockets floating by, looking desperately for the next one....the biggest tip is don't be slow! Keep it up and you'll see how you can reclaim the control in no time.

This works everywhere! I keep a small bottle in my bag too for when we're it and be careful in restaurants though, I don't now how happy the other patrons will be to have bubble popping into their lasagne!

And, do you know, I also enjoy them, they really are quite therapeutic to watch, imagine if you could just put some of your troubles into a bubble and blow it away...

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